Today is Pregnant & Infant Loss Awareness Day. A day when we, as a community, and our supporters take a minute [or for some of us, a little longer] to remember the children we have lost. Whether we suffered a miscarriage, a stillbirth or the loss of an infant, I think I can speak for all of us when I say that the pain always stays with us.
I am a face of this loss. Our loss came almost three years ago. January 10th, 2009. When I went in and was told the baby was gone. I was 10 weeks pregnant. That baby had come after a year of trying. The positive pregnancy test came just two days after my husband deployed to Iraq for one year. The love that I had for that baby helped me get through my days as my husband was gone. But the miscarriage itself came and destroyed my life.
We have been so luck in that nearly three years later, we have been given a second chance. Thus far, a healthy pregnancy that has thrived. I realize every day how lucky we are to be where we are at. But so many women have not been able to enjoy this joy yet. Or have gotten this far, only to lose everything. It is a devastating loss, no matter how far along in your journey you are.
We aren’t alone. Approximately 25-50% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, yet the topic remains so taboo. There are 60 stillbirths in the United States everyday. Read stories of people who have been there too at Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope.
I am the face.
Huge hugs your way. This whole process is so hard and unfair. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm also so excited for you to have your rainbow baby!
Congrats on your pregnancy! Also I'm sending you hugs and love.
Happy ICLW!! :)
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