October 25, 2011

20 Weeks*

How Far Along? 20 weeks, 3 days.

Total Weight Gain/Loss:
-4 pounds at my 20 week appointment last Wednesday. With the weight I started at, my recommended weight gain [past my starting weight] was only 10-15 pounds. I'm happy to say that besides some not very good eating choices, I'm making up for the bad choices with good ones when I can. I'm hoping that I can continue staying under my starting weight until the start of my third trimester.

Maternity Clothes?
I'm thinking I am in need of some more comfy pants to lounge around in at night & on weekends. My belly is definitely growing out of my normal sleep pants!

Stretch Marks?
Ugh, unfortunately M & I have both noticed some growing of stretch marks. I'm using cocoa butter every day but I don't think it will help. I'm destined to not have a pretty pregnancy belly.

I have good nights and bad nights. The side sleeping is still rough, but I'm getting
used to it. The potty breaks are getting much more frequent at night. I am quite jealous of all these other pregnancy blogs I read that say sleeping is still so easy for them! Not so much here!

Best Moment of the Week?
MOVEMENT! And oh boy, lots of it. This kid is super, super active and I know I'm not even feeling most of it yet. We had our 20 week ultrasound and the kid definitely made it difficult for the tech. It never slowed down. But the kicks and the flutters are definitely there. M can't feel anything just yet, but it's nice having my own little secret. But I am definitely in for trouble as we progress. Because like I said ... ACTIVE!

Miss Anything?
Wine. Beer. Margaritas with my chips & salsa. Cuddling with my husband at night, which is impossible due to the extremely large quantities of pillows that ar

Active, active, active!

Food Cravings:
None this week!

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick?

Have You Started to Show Yet?
Oh most definitely. Although some people tell me I still don't look pregnant. Apparently I just look fat or something. But there definitely days where I look it more than others.

Gender Prediction:
Um, I actually had a dream the other night that it was a GIRL! So ... ugh! Who knows!

Labor Signs:

Belly Button In or Out:

Wedding Rings On or Off:

Happy or Moody Most of the Time?
Happy as a clam!

Looking Forward To:
M feeling the movement so we can share that together!

As I mentioned, we had our 20 week anatomy scan last week and everything seems to right on schedule. Baby is measuring just a couple of days ahead of what we really are, but it's been like that since the 10 week ultrasound so I'm not too concerned. The only issue that they saw was that my placenta was sitting a little lower than it should. They are not concerned as of yet, but I will need to go back in for a follow up ultrasound in 8 weeks to make sure that it is moving up the way it should. So until then, I'm not worried about it.

My pelvic pain is also getting worse. My midwife has recommended seeing a chiropractor and I need to call and actually make that appointment. She doesn't want to put me into a belt just yet because it is so early, but I have a good feeling that eventually I will be there. But the pelvic pain is pretty much unbearable. It hurts to walk, especially if I have been sitting for long periods of time, or first thing in the morning. And by the ultrasound, the baby is definitely adding to all of this. He/She is literally on top of my cervix, sitting very, very low.

Other than that, things are going really well. We are cracking down this weekend and getting started on the nursery. I have started registering but haven't spent too much time on it yet. If we can get the paint up on the walls this weekend, I will be a happy camper. I feel like we are a little behind on getting things done, and I am anxious to start working on some things!

I have a few things to do before the guest bedroom becomes the nursery, but hopefully this week goes well and we can get some things in order!


Nikki said...

Feeling your little one move is always the best part of being pregnant! So happy for you! I hope you can get some help with your pain soon!

Wife of a Sailor said...

You don't have stretch marks... you have beauty marks. Those are marks of a beautiful pregnancy!

I'm so excited for you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Congrats on your pregnancy!!! I would love to talk with you more about your donation. I love to pick the brain of people who help others conceive.

Happy ICLW #21- Donor Diva

Heather said...

Looking good! Have fun with the nursery..

Kristen said...

Glad all is going well. I'm at 16 weeks and haven't felt movement yet...can't wait to! Working on the nursery sounds like so much fun...