July 19, 2011

Cramps & Such*

Friday marks the 7 week mark in this pregnancy. I can honestly say that so far it's been different than the last time I was pregnant, although it's been two and a half years so the details are fuzzy.

The big concern I have right now is the cramping. For the past two days, I've had some on and off cramping that has me a little bothered. When I found out I was pregnant, I could definitely feel some ligament stretching. That stretching has stopped and for the past couple of days I've had some period like cramps that don't seem to want to go away.

I know that these are normal, and I'm doing everything that I can to help minimize it. But I can't help but think, what if. What if what i'm experiencing isn't the normal type of cramps? I've had no bleeding yet, but I can't help but think that this isn't a good thing.

I know I'm being paranoid, but it's that past miscarriage that is still messing with my head. My first ultrasound is next thursday, and I hope everything remains ok.


E and R said...

I have had the same difficulties - the past has caused me to constantly be worried throughout this pregnancy - every cramp or 'strange' feeling I worry about. Hopefully, as time goes on, you will start to feel more comfortable with it all (I am slowly getting there and I am 14 weeks!)
Hoping that your u/s next week goes well and brings you some peace of mind!

Beth said...

I'm about 7 weeks pregnant too and I've have some cramping as well. It freaks me out because I just keep remembering my miscarriage and comparing things, wondering if it's going to happen again. I know I can't spend the next 8-9 months worrying/wondering that or I'll go crazy! Thank goodness for a dr appt Friday!

Sunny said...

I had cramping during the 1st trimester too. I definitely felt the implantation. And I spotted at 16 weeks. It all freaked me out, but it was normal, and I now I gots me a normal baby. I hope the same for you. xo

V said...

I had a quick visit in the ER this past weekend for cramps and spotting, an ultrasound showed things were ok and the doctors said that sometimes it's normal to have both cramps and spotting... Which for those of us who have experienced a loss already is practically torture.

If you get really concerned you could always go to the ER and check things out.

Hope the next week flies by and your ultrasound goes well :)

Wife of a Sailor said...

I'm thinking good thoughts for you!!!

Lauren said...

I understand the fear that you're experiencing. It's scary to enjoy a pregnancy when you've gone through a miscarriage before. Cramping does happen for a lot of women in the 1st trimester. Hopefully yours goes away soon. I know you're going to see a beautiful and healthy baby on that ultrasound next week!

MommaB said...

Thinking of you! Miss you!

Tsoniki Crazy Bull said...

I hope the cramps figure themselves out and go away! It's hard to get past the fear but I hope you are able to. You guys have been in my prayers! :)

Bethany said...

I wanted to say hi! (We both have the same EDD and I found your blog from the March 2012 club on BabyCenter).

I've known for nearly two weeks that I've been pregnant; and on and off throughout all of this time, I've had mild cramping. I've been told repeatedly that it's normal and just another sign that your body's making room for the babe to grow.

I wish you the best of luck on your journey!!

Beth Brakewood said...

After reading through what people think might or might not be a symptom or a side effect or part of a pregnancy or IUI cycle or IVF cycle, I've come to one conclusion. Nothing is normal. Some people cramp, some don't. Some people get morning sickness and tender boobs and aren't pregnant. Some people "just know" and others are wildly surprised. Unless I am actively bleeding so much that I think it's a hemorrhage, I pretty much assume everything is fine and call my nurse during working hours to confirm that this doesn't sound out of whack.

Good luck with your pregnancy - Enjoy it!!