September 19, 2011

Fifteen Weeks*

How Far Along? 15 weeks, 3 days.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still negative 10 pounds! For reals. I'm not complaining, at all ... I ate like crap for a couple of weeks so was expecting it to catch up with me, but I can tell that I've lost weight, especially in my face. Although I don't FEEL like it anywhere else. Hoping that since we're getting ready to jump into the fourth month, that things will start to catch up.
Maternity Clothes? I got super lucky and inherited about four bins of maternity clothes from a friend. So as far as pants go, they are pretty much the only thing I'm wearing these days. Because let's be honest ... they are freaking comfortable.
Stretch Marks? Nope. Only the ones that were there before!
Sleep: Sleep is just plain difficult. Sometimes I sleep through the night completely, other times I'm up at all hours because my hips hurt. It's frustrating, but it is what it is. Thank god for coffee.
Best Moment of the Week? We were gifted an at home doppler from an old work friend early in the pregnancy. It had been about three weeks since we tried to find the heartbeat on our own [which was always unsuccessful] but the other night we thought we would try again. We found it instantly! It was a magical experience!
Have You Told Family & Friends? YES! I couldn't wait any longer to spill the beans!
Miss Anything? Still wine. I fear that this will always be my answer every single week.
Movement: One moment where I thought it might have been the baby. Or I was just hungry. I don't know.
Food Cravings: None this week!
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? No, I think I am definitely past the point of being queasy. Which is great.
Have You Started to Show Yet? Um, I think so. But mostly it's my fat being pushed out farther. ha!
Gender Prediction: Still guessing a boy! But hoping for a girl :)
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button In or Out: In
Wedding Rings On or Off: On.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time? MOODY! Sorry, husband. I can't help it.
Looking Forward To: Feeling movement!

I know there are like, two people that read this blog, and I'm not sure if anyone really cares about these updates, but they are a good reminder for me to look back at to see how I was feeling throughout all of this!

The hip/pelvic pain is still pretty strong, but I'm dealing with it and just accepting it. Although it does make me move a little slower than normal. I FINALLY got everything worked out with the insurance company and will be seeing my new midwife on Thursday morning. I'm looking forward to another official check up and to get some official answers about my pelvic pain. But with hearing the heart beat this past week, it's so reassuring that everything is ok. The heart beat has been in the mid-150's so very nice and strong.

Photos starting next week!


S said...

I am one of your loyal readers, mama...keep the updates coming! I cannot wait to see your adorable baby bump!

Sunny said...

I am reading and I am super excited for you!!!! Revel in every bit of this. Now everyone loves to give advice when you are preggo, I got tons, and honestly I was not that annoyed with it. I had a lot of discomfort on my side and rib cage. My fab mother-in-law make me those bean/kernal? compresses that you put in the microwave. It was my savior and contoured nicely on my body. The heating pad freaked me out even though my ob said it was okay. also just laying around as much as I could! Hope it feels better and yay for 15 weeks!!

Brittany said...

Hil, the heating pad freaks me out, too. I can't wait for my appointment on Thursday ... hopefully she will give me the go head for something like that. I definitely try to lay around but unfortunately, the more I lay around, the more stiff I get, then it just hurts more when I get up. Blech!

Lauren said...

I read your blog posts :) I'm going to make my official guess....boy :)

Wife of a Sailor said...

I care about your posts. You know how excited I am for you!

My guess? Girl. But she won't cooperate to show you her girly parts until 7 months along. Legs crossed for the prim girly girl until then!

Cortney @ Box & Bay said...

Aw, you know I always read! And I love these posts, makes me feel like I am there with you! Love you Lady!

Beth said...

I love reading these from you! I'm due with my miracle around the same time as you, so I love seeing what you are going through as well. :)

Jessica said...

Eeekkk, I am excited for photos starting next week.

I'm so glad that you got to hear the heartbeat with the doppler.

Brittany said...

More readers than I thought I did :) Thanks ladies! I'm not uber concerned about readership, but I just thought it was funny that I was doing these posts and was wondering if people were even reading them! Y'all proved me wrong :) Thanks!

Brandy said...

Did my comment post? I was trying to say that I sent you a question through baby centers private message about the midwife thing. That's how I found your blog. I'm not sure if they alert you that you have a message or not, but I'm looking forward to hearing about your midwife experience.

P.S. Love the blog!