March 11, 2011

Quick Updates Are Awesome*

Friday! I love Fridays.

Just wanted to get that out there.

Really though, I just wanted to throw out a quick update. Things are exciting around here these days, and I've been doing some behind the scenes stuff for my photography business. I am getting ready to launch a new site, change the name of my business, and really try to grow my own brand. I'm building my own site this time around [well, with a blogger template -- but trying not to purchase one and just do my own!] and am very much looking forward to getting that finished in the coming weeks.

I also am considering some other business ventures, that I hope will be worthy of any sort of success! I really can't wait to share the details with everyone.

With that said, I'm heading out of town for the weekend, to see my dear, dear friend Stacy again! Ree Drummond is doing a book signing, and since I pretty much love EVERYTHING that she does [i'm only slightly obsessed] I'm pretty sure meeting her will be the highlight of my year.

For reals.

I might cry. Or pass out. I'm that excited.

Either way, it's going to be spectacular. I bought some super cute new clothes [because Ree totally warrants a new outfit!] and was HAPPY to find out that I've gone down a pant size. All this running is starting to pay off!

Also, day 2 of Clomid is today. So we're officially underway with that!


So that's that! I PROMISE that I will continue my photo 52 project next week. Holy moley! I fully plan on getting things posted on Sunday night and getting all caught up with that. Talk about an epic failure on my part! One week? Really Brittany? Sheesh.

I hope everybody has a glorious weekend!! Enjoy!

1 comment:

MommaB said...

Hooray on the new pants size! Have fun at your Ree Drummond shin-dig :)