November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend*

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and what a great weekend it was. I would like to report that I got tons of crafty things accomplished over my four days off, but sadly ... I cannot say that. I had huge dreams of getting some things done but the fact of the matter is that I remained completely lazy. It was great.

We had some good friends over for Thanksgiving on Thursday which made being so far away from family a little less lonely. I love cooking and usually would have zero problem doing the whole  meal by myself, but this year I was grateful to do it potluck style. Everything turned out great and the company was wonderful! I was exhausted by the end of the night and slept like a rock!

Friday we opted to NOT partake in Black Friday shopping. We slept in, made coffee & cuddled on the couch with the pooches while getting caught up on DVR. Our only outing for the day was to go get our Christmas tree, and we waited until late in the afternoon to avoid any sort of mess out on the roads. Yes, I am that person who puts up my decorations immediately following Thanksgiving! I would put them up earlier if my husband would allow me, but I've been banned to waiting until the day after Thanksgiving. The Christmas season is my favorite time of year & I am so glad that it's finally here!

I take my Christmas decorating very seriously, and with M getting ready to head to the field for the next two weeks, I foresee some extra shopping to get some new decorations in my future this week! Much to the husband's dismay. Growing up, our house always looked so amazing. My mom was incredibly crafty and made the most beautiful decorations for our home. And there were a lot of them ... but in a very, very classy way. I want my home to look like that, and while I am far from it, I hope to get a little closer every year. But even just having the tree up & decorated with the few decorations that we do have up makes it feel just a little more cozy around here. There is nothing like the warm glow of Christmas lights to light up a room!

The rest of the weekend has been a hodge podge of "stuff." Saturday was full of photo shoots & movies with friends, to which I came home and went straight to bed. Today was spent getting some more things done around the house, but also getting some last minute relaxing in. This work week is going to be rough after coming off a two and a half day work week, followed by a long weekend. I hope it goes quick. And as always, we had our trust lab, Daisy, to help us out with everything [and Cooper in the background].

Pregnancy-wise, all is going well. We hit 25 weeks on Friday and can't believe that we're only 15 weeks away [give or take!] from meeting our little one. This weekend was definitely a weekend to be grateful and give thanks for the blessing we have in our life, and we did so as often as could. My hips and my shoulders are starting to hurt more at night from sleeping on my sides, but I've found that taking some tylenol right before bed alleviates that just a little and keeps me from tossing and turning every house [which also makes the husband happy]. The hormones have also come rushing in this week, making me insecure and weepy. I'm hoping that I can get them in check, because wanting to cry for no apparent reason is starting to get really old. I'm also slightly starting to freak out about what's to come, but I'll save that for another pot.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the extra time off, if working is your thing [which unfortunately it is for me!]. And most importantly, I hope everyone got to spend it with friends and/or family and made sure to count all the blessing that you have in your life.

Now bring on Christmas!

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