March 12, 2014

Europe Bound!

You may recall last Summer, we had thought that the Army was going to send us down to Georgia. Fort Gordon, to be exact. First it was on. Then it was off. Then it was on. Then it was off for good. A mere two weeks or so before we were supposed to report. Gotta love the military sometimes.

With Gordon being off for good, we were then tasked with finding a new place to go before the Army decided for us. It was a bit of a stressful time, as we fought for duty stations, requesting them only to find out that jobs in places like Alaska and Texas were snatched up quicker than we can blink, and locations that we REALLY wanted to go to never showed up on the radar.

And then a dream duty station opened up. We requested, and then we waited, assuming that it would be like all the others and our chances were slim. But by the end of that week way back in August, and after finally receiving our official orders two weeks ago, I can now share that we are moving, for sure this time.

To Germany.

EUROPE! For a minimum of three years, but hopefully so, so much longer. M has 12 years left until he hits 20, and we are hoping that if things go well, we can extend for another three years, or as close to retirement as possible. Maybe longer. All of this is being said without us even being there yet, but we know what an amazing opportunity this well be, and we cannot wait to live this up to the best of our abilities. Even better? The week we found out we were going to Germany (Stuttgart, to be exact) my mom was hired as a teacher at another military base &  moved out there this past September. Who would have thought that we would have to move halfway around the world to get closer to family? Either way, we are beyond thrilled and cannot wait for our new adventure.

With that said, and with such a big change coming our way, I am thinking of changing some things up around here. Aside from the general parenting things that are discussed here, I cannot wait to share our travel experiences with all of you. And the photos! Oh the glorious photos that my camera will be able to take! It's going to be wonderful. These next couple of months are going to be a whirlwind as we get things in order, and I plan on chronicling all of it here. We have never PCS'ed before as a family, and an international PCS complicates things just a tad more, but I will be happy to share our experiences for inquiring minds. I'm also working on a new design for the blog, to better represent our change into European living while also keeping my honest parenting stories in tact.

Germany, here we come!


Tsoniki said...

Yay I am excited for you all!!

Jen said...

So lucky! We had orders to Germany but they got cancelled. :/

Rhe Christine said...

ahhh!!! so exciting!!!!!! congratulations :)

Esperanza said...

Wow! Off to Germany! So exciting. I can't wait to hear more about the big move.

Jos said...

So, so exciting. I'm incredibly jealous. :)