May 6, 2013

Let the Chaos Begin

This past week, the husband & I cracked down on the home projects before our move. Because of a necessary school for his new assignment, M will be gone the entire month of June. That really only leaves us a couple of weeks after he returns before our move (at least, that's our hope).

So, in preparation, we have a very lengthy list of big projects that need to be completed before he leaves us those four weeks, leaving me with a much more manageable "to do" list with a crazy but lovable toddler. We've really stepped it into gear, and I am so happy with the progress that we are making. A couple of years ago, we took out our deck with the intention of replacing it with a concrete patio. We found a bunch of wood rot & water damage to the house, which resulted in having to have all of our siding replaced. We never got around to the patio due to the cost of the siding.

BUT -- this past week, we finally got the concrete poured. and we have a nice lovely patio now that we won't really have time to enjoy (but somebody else will!) Over the weekend, we tackled the garage which was a HUGE undertaking. I mean, it was a monster. Our garage has sort of become our catch all room, where things we didn't feel like dealing with were tossed. To the point of not really being able to even walk through the garage. It was an embarrassment!

But, a LOT of hard work, and it's just about there. Things up on shelves, packed away neatly. A LOT of things thrown out. One pile taken to a friends for a garage sale on Saturday with an even bigger pile ready to go later this week. A new rolling tool chest purchased for the husband to help organize the insane amount of crap tools that he owns. All in all it's coming together.

Tomorrow we get new kitchen floors in. Something that I have also wanted to have done for years (it was on the pre-baby list. Yeah. That never happened.) but just never did. So, of course, now that we are getting ready to rent out the house, everything we've wanted to do is being done last minute. But that's fine -- it will help with renting out our house. New carpets is also on the list, and they have been picked out & decided on, but won't be installed until after we move out.

Then there is paint in a couple of rooms, new ceiling fans in ours & the baby's, and a few large pieces of furniture to hopefully sell.

It sounds like a lot, and when we first started coming up with this list, it sounded very overwhelming. BUT, I am feeling so much better & so much less STRESSED knowing that all of this stuff is taken care of before M leaves. The rest is easy for me to tackle -- going through rooms, purging & trying to sell what I can on the facebook groups. Possibly a second garage sale, if I can find enough stuff. All in all, a much, MUCH needed purge of our home with some necessary updates. I really can't wait.

Next up on the list is finding a rental company (which we have a lead on thanks to a good friend) and getting our home listed. I think we are going to take the chance of listing before our orders arrive but our orders are going to come last minute, as they usually do, and I'm concerned about our home being rented out in a timely manner. If things fall through, then we've been wanting to move to a larger home anyways. Hopefully that won't be the case.


Rhe Christine said...

She's girl! That's crazy! Hope you get it all finished relatively stress free

Tsoniki said...

I agree that it always sounds overwhelming, and then you start working on it and you are like yay this is awesome to be getting so much done! I feel that way about my garage. A simple half hour in there and it looks SO much better. I wish I could sell some of my stuff though, instead of giving it to goodwill.