November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving*

I just want to take a moment to say Happy Thanksgiving to all my blogger and internet friends! I hope you are all happy and healthy, and enjoying your day with loved ones.

As a Military Spouse, it's been quite some time since I've spent Thanksgiving with my family. I miss them every year and look forward to the phone call when I get to talk to everyone. But, with that said, I am forever grateful for the adopted family that we have found while living here. Every year is a little different, but the people don't really change. This year we will be spending our holiday with Lauren & her husband, and two other individuals from his unit. I am looking forward to a low key day full of good food, good friends and good (hopefully!) football!

One of the hardest things these past eight months, and through my pregnancy as well, has been the lifestyle change that comes with having a child. It's not hard in that I regret it ... it's hard in that I simply don't have the time to be the wife, mom, friend, sister, cousin, employee that I want to be. My days are spread pretty thin, especially being a working mom, and finding the time to dedicate to my husband, child, job and myself is hard enough, let alone trying to fit in being everything else. I know that with time, things will get easier. Lucas is eight months old today and he is at an age where he is pretty demanding. I love that time with him and when he wants snuggled, or is sick and needs to stay home, I'm going to do it. Because if there is one thing I have learned this year is that time goes way too quick and it is very, very precious.

With that said, I am incredibly blessed to have some amazing people in my life [both here and far!] who understand this and accept the fact that I simply cannot do it all. I can't be everywhere and everything to everyone. I do what I can, when I can, but priorities have changed. Don't get me wrong -- there are aspects of the old life that I miss [as does every parent out there I am sure!] but I wouldn't trade anything. I am forever THANKFUL and grateful to those in my life who accept who I am and what I can give. Being far away from family, especially during the holidays, is rough. I am so blessed to have met so many amazing people through simply being a military spouse. Friends that have become family and will be a part of our lives forever.

It's easy to forget the people that aren't flesh and blood sometimes. But being a military spouse, sometimes they are all we have. I love them, and I love the ones who roll with the changing tide. So thank you for being there, whether I know you in real life, through this blog, through twitter, whatever. You all mean the world to me! And today I am grateful to that my family is spending the day with some of our best friends!

Happy Thanksgiving all!

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