August 16, 2011

Changes & Travel*

Egads! I really am the worst blogger. Every time I do a new post, I tell myself "ok, I'm going to write more." And then it never really happens.

But in fairness, this past week has been all kinds of a roller coaster. As previously mentioned, I quit my job a couple of weeks back. Last Friday was my last day. All in all, it was a very bittersweet ending. The company I worked for, I truly LOVED. I loved what we did, I loved the people we served [military soldiers & their families] and I loved what I did. But there was one factor that made my work life non-tolerable & enough was enough. I didn't want to leave, but felt I had no further choice. With that said, I am on a two week hiatus, and really & truly am excited about what's to come with my new job! I think it's a great it, and while it will be challenging for me [WAY smaller company, smaller budget, different tasks, a more rigid work schedule vs come in whenever you feel like - which is what I had for three years! -- etc.] I'm happy about the choice I made. And my true friends, I'll still see them!

In the mean time, I am enjoying my two weeks off. Prior to taking my new job, I had a pre-planned trip to Seattle for various activities [wedding of a parent, wedding of a friend, birth of best friends first baby] so I was very appreciative that they are letting me start when they get back. It's nice having some time to breath. And relax.

And you know, just sort of be lazy in general. Lazy is awesome.

As far as Seattle, I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to being back in the Northwest. I need to recharge. I need to feel a little more like myself again. Seattle just does that for me. My goal is to relax, but I'm sure I will overbook myself as usual. I am looking forward to seeing some friends that I haven't seen in a while, but I am primarily looking forward to just being in an environment that feels like me. The South has never really been my cup of tea, but I tolerate it because, well ... don't really have a choice! The Northwest speaks to my soul! CHEESY! So cheesy. But I only speak the truth!

So my 10 days in the NW will be glorious! The sun! The mountains! The ocean! THE 70 DEGREE WEATHER WITH A LOW OF 50 AT NIGHT! That alone is worth it! [Seriously ... this 100 degree shit has GOT TO STOP.]


Wife of a Sailor said...

Seattle! You are coming to see me, right? ;)

BreAnna said...

I hope you have a great trip! We should plan an NW IF blogger meet up next time you are in the area. :)