April 1, 2014

Lucas Turns Two

My oh my. How times flies.

It feels like just yesterday that we were celebrating Lucas's very first birthday. I feel like this second year of his life has gone by so much quicker than his first; we had so many life changes in his second year that most likely added to it, but quick it went, nonetheless!

We celebrated his birthday with a few close friends in the area. We didn't quite do the blowout that we did last year, but still had a really nice time with those closest to us. We cooked out on the grill, had some cupcakes & friends came & went at their leisure. All in all, it was a great afternoon spent with some lovely people. Lucas had a great time & is still loving every gift that was given to him. Books have been read numerous times and trucks have gotten plenty dirty, not to mention all the cars (his favorite) that were received. We even got to facetime with Momo (grandma!) earlier in the day! 

We started the day off with a trip to the Botanical Gardens with some friends. It was a beautiful day, and a great way to spend a couple of hours. Lucas ran around with Marshall while I snapped some family photos for our friends in between. Anywhere that Lucas can have free reign of his surroundings is a wonderful experience for him, because he is definitely the kid that will take off running when you aren't looking. He LOVES the outdoors, much like his daddy, so was in total bliss while we were there. Afterwards, we grabbed some lunch downtown and then headed home for nap time & party preparation. Once guests started to arrive, it was a bit of a whirlwind, but everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. Marshall grilled out back while the kids ran around and played in the dirt, while the mama's hung out inside & tended to the babies present. All in all, it was a truly wonderful afternoon.

It's so hard to believe that my little baby really isn't a little baby anymore. He has grown into such a wonderful little boy, who changes every single day. He is unbelievably smart, and Marshall & I are amazed at the things he picks up on a daily basis. He is rough & tumble when he wants to play, but isn't afraid of his more sensitive moments when he just wants to sit on the couch and snuggle. He is passionate about the things that he likes, loves fiercely and even at two years old, is completely fearless of life around him. As a mom, this both terrifies me & makes me insanely proud, knowing that I already have a little boy who will try just about anything. He gets this trait from his father (most definitely not from me) and I couldn't be happier about it. It makes me hover a little often from time to time, and we have had more than our fair share of bumps, bruises, scrapes & tears. But in a instant, he is back up and running, terrifying me of whatever will happen next. He is insanely funny, cracking us up on a daily basis. At times, he reminds me of my brother, and I wonder if a little of him snuck into Lucas in the process. It has been an absolute joy watching him grow so much this past year, seeing what kind of little person he is turning into.

He definitely is not without his moments though. He is the pickiest eater, a mostly horrible sleeper & we are working through some normal toddler issues (I cannot tell you how many times a day I say the words "do not hit!")  But every day I look at him and think, where did my baby go. They grow too fast, these kids of ours. But while I miss the moments of him being small & tiny, I absolutely love & am very much looking forward to the future with him.

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