July 16, 2013

Adios, First Trimester!

I feel like I need to document part of this pregnancy for the simple fact of putting this all in a photo book some day for our kids. I don't want to totally fall into the classic "first child gets everything, second child gets forgotten about" syndrome so I really am only planning on documenting at the end of each trimester.

So basically, this is purely for me. Feel free to skip over it. :)

Side note: it is funny how different this whole experience is from last time, not just the physical (I'll get to that in a bit) but the mental and, well, just everything else. I saw a hilarious article on BuzzFeed today about the difference between first time and experienced parents that had me giggling pretty hard. I don't necessarily consider myself experienced by any stretch of the imagination, but we definitely have gone into this so much more relaxed and "whatever" than we did the first time around. No books. No planning. Nothing. Granted, we are only 15 weeks in, but, you know.

People keep mentioning to us that we are going to need so much stuff if we have a girl, and what will we register for??! Honestly? No we won't and I don't know. One of the great things about not finding out what baby number one was is having things that are gender neutral. And in all honesty, even if they WEREN'T gender neutral, I really don't care. I'll throw my kid in a blue onesie all day long. I also HATE pink.

Ok, that's not true. I love pink, sometimes, and in small doses. Like, on my nails. Or my cell phone cover. But clothes? NOPE. Nope. Nope. Nope. Ruffles? Hell no. So we basically won't be registering for anything, because I honestly can't think of a single thing that we will need. Two things come to mind -- a double stroller (BOB ALL THE WAY!) and the kit for our crib that will turn it into a bed at some point. Yup. That's it.

That was a long side note.

As far as this pregnancy has gone, it's been shockingly easy, for the most part, since day one. I've had some nausea here and there, and some wicked stomach issues I had during my first trimester with Lucas are showing their ugly faces coming into my second trimester with this kid. But so far -- nothing really, and I am grateful for that. I hated being pregnant the first time around. I know you're not supposed to say that, but I truly hated it. I had HORRIBLE pelvic pain, was sick and seriously depressed. Feeling the baby move was the only thing I truly enjoyed about the process. I can't particularly say that I'm enjoying the process this time around much more, but I am grateful for a seemingly easier stretch.

But let me tell you. Chasing around a toddler while being pregnant is no joke. There's no going home and going to bed at 6pm like I did last time. My poor husband thinks I'm this bump on the log because I have zero energy to do anything productive, but he's amazing and supportive anyways, catering to me more than is necessary (but don't tell him that!)

All in all, aside from the whole working full time & chasing a toddler in my free time thing, it's been pretty simple. We've had two ultrasounds to date & last week at our appointment we heard the heart beat on the dopplar. I go in August 7th for the anatomy scan & baby willing, we will find out the gender. It's crazy that we are already at this point!

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