April 8, 2013

Spring & Summer Meals*

So this one time, I had a great idea of doing a Meal Planning Mondays post -- weekly posts talking about what was on our menu for that week. M & I had decided that meal planning was what needed to happen for our waist line AND our budget.

Well, that only lasted one week before the Army threw things up in the air and sort of messed up our consistency.

There was a good month straight where M was in the field. He would be home here and there, but usually not until 10:30 at night and then he had to leave the next morning bright and early. I had no idea when he would be back home again. Now, he's doing a detail that has completely changed his hours, which means it's 9:00 before he gets home at night. Some days I make dinner and he has leftovers when he gets home. Sometimes I just am not in the mood so will eat something small and leave it to him to fend for himself at night. Either way, it has made meal planning next to impossible these past couple of months.

With warmer weather making it's way towards us (finally) our Spring and Summer meals are mostly consisting of grilled chicken and salads, because in the South, I have no desire to slave over the hot stove and heat up my already warm home even more. So meal planning may, for the time being, not even happen, even if M IS home on a regular basis (which he won't be for quite some time -- once he's done with this detail, he's gone for a full month so yeah ... cereal for me).

I want to continue to share recipes here and things that I am finding. I need to change things up every once in a while, because green salads, while good for you, get boring every night. I'm on a mission to find some great, healthy salad alternatives to go with our minimal, easy eating lifestyle over the next few months.

But healthy definitely is the key. I've lost almost 20 pounds so far in my weight loss journey (40 if you count pregnancy weight from last year) and want to continue on this track. If I am lucky enough get pregnant again soon, then I want to go into this with the same mind frame and definitely do not want to gorge myself on cheeseburgers like I did, um, last time. I'm sorry, but Five Guys is just too dang good to pass up, mmkay??

So what I find, I will share!

What are your favorite Spring & Summer meals?


MommaB said...

Caprese salad: fresh basil, tomatoes ( I like the cherry or grape), and the little mozzarella balls. Drizzle a little EVO, balsamic vinegar, and some sea salt over everything and toss to coat. Sometimes I leave the vinegar out, sometimes I add cucumber and crumble feta over it. J-dude loves it, E will eat everything but the tomatoes.

I also do a lot of cold pasta salads and throw whatever I can find in the fridge in with the pasta.

Tsoniki said...

We are boring with salads too and just add tons of veggies. Those are good, but yeah, after too long it is annoying.

And five guys...mmmmmm. Yum. I love their stuff.