January 1, 2011

A New Year*

Happy 2011!

I know I'm a couple of days late on this, but I hope everybody had a safe and wonderful New Years Eve. We spent the evening with a few friends, a nice dinner, music, drinks & a nice time had by all. Shortly after the new year made it's appearance, we danced for a bit then headed home. It was so nice to ring in the new year with my lovely husband and a couple of my greatest friends!

I'm not really a fan of resolutions, because frankly, I kind of suck at them. It's only a matter of time before I break them, and I think that we should always strive to better ourselves; not just once a year.

With that said, I am taking this time to really focus on making myself better. I have come a very long way from this time last year, and in 2011 I am vowing to take care of myself. First and foremost, I'm focusing on my health! I also want/need to put myself first. To stop caring so much about what other people think about me. To be happy about the little moments in my life that are worth celebrating. To do the things I love more, like photography and painting. To be a better friend to those around me, and a better wife to the husband I have.

I want to be better. And I fully believe that there are more than a few tiny resolutions that need to take place in order to make that happen.

2011 is my year!

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