September 17, 2010

Measuring Cups

I recently made a trip to Colorado for a VERY good friends wedding, and in some down time I had, I met up for breakfast with another good friend! :) We decided to cruise the Cherry Creek Mall in Denver, and consequently we ended up at Anthropologie. Which happens to be one of the greatest stores ever. I'm not ever a huge fan of their clothes, but they always have great knick-knacks for around the home.

As I wandered through their kitchen section, I found these little gems! Measuring cups! But not just ANY measuring cups -- ADORABLE MEASURING CUPS! Cute, colorful and original. I had to snatch them up.

They also had these adorable little measuring SPOONS that I of course had to have to complete the set. I have both of these displayed proudly in my kitchen, and I am terrified to use them for fear of breaking and dropping one. But how cute are these little guys?


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